
WAP to area of circle ( program based on structure of C programming)

 /* program based on structure of C programming  WAP to area of circle _____________________________________________ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define PI (22/7.0) Void main () { flot radius, area;  clrscr(); printf ("\n\n\ __________INPUT__________"); print  ("{\n\n\ Enter the radius of  Circle :"); scan ("%f", &radius);  area= (PI*radius*radius);  printf ("\n\n\__________OUTPUT__________"); printf ("\n\n\Area of circle is %f"); getch (); } _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Enter the value of radius : 5.3 Area of circle is

Definitions related basic coding of C++🤓💻

  Here is the programming related definatrions of C++ , ...... . */\*     printf() & scanf() are the function            Which is declared as C header files . 1)  printf  =  Used  to  print  the  character,                        Result  or  output  . 2)   scanf  =   It  is  used  to  read  character                        and Value assign.  3)  What  is  program ?  =   program  is nothing  but  the set of               instructions . 4)  What  is  instruction ? =   Instructions  are  nothing  but  the                   commands  given...

Introduction of C programming

Introduction of C programming               C programminng is a programming  language developed by 'Dennis Ritehie'   at AT & T Bell labs in 1972. It was created  from 'AlGOL' , 'BCPL' , 'B'  programming  language  'C' is a powerful programming language which is strongly associated with the UNIX operating system. Even most of the UNIX operating systems is coded in 'C' Initially  C programming was limited to the UNIX  operating system, but as it started sperading around the world , it became  commercial, and many compilers were relesed  for crossplatform system.         Language sach as C++ /  JAVA are  developed from 'C' . These languages  are widely used in various technologies . Thus 'C' forms a base for many other languages that are corrently in use. * Application of C  (where C is used)   1]  It is widely used in IOT application. 2]  It...

Different between backspace & delete 💻

Different between backspace and Delete keys _____________________________________________ *]  Backspace used to cut the text From front to back _____________________________________________ *] Delete button is used to cut the text       From back to front _____________________________________________ YouTube short video 🔗                   ðŸ‘‡     _____________________________________________ I hope this small information is helpful And useful for you, so do like, and comment also....  Thank you _____________________________________________

Ctrl + Shortcut key 🤓

  All Ctrl + Shortcut keys Which is helps to control 💻 PC  very easy using keyboard or whitout Using mouse, While operating PC or laptop...  If you want video for this blog then scroll down , there will be a link 🔗  Is given below Of  YouTube video  _____________________________________________   All ctrl + shortcut keys  1)   ctrl + A   =    Select all 2)   ctrl + B    =   Bold  (font)   3)   ctrl + C    =    copy text 4)   ctrl + v    =    Past  text 5)   ctrl + X   =    Cut text 6)   ctrl + D    =   Font style menu 7)   ctrl + E   =    Align to the center 8)   ctrl + F   =    Find the text 9)   ctrl + G   =   Find (page) the replace      ...